Tuesday, June 24, 2008

FINALLY posting for Meg and Em (and anyone else, Meg & Em were just the ones that said i needed to post more)

Hey everyone, sorry it's been so long, i meant to post the other day, but REALLY didnt feel like it. There's not really much going on with me, same as always i suppose..

Okay, i have a few new things.. if you could even call them new..

one of them is bad. lol.

so, as most of you know already, i have alot of big blonde moments, i had one today, but that ones too confusing.. lol. and im also VERY accident prone? Well.. last night, i got out of my bed to go to my mirror and put carmex on. While walking around my bed, to my mirror, i didnt notice my stuffed/squishy frog on the floor. I stepped on it the wrong way, and while falling down, i twisted my ankle a different way, luckily. Cause if i wouldnt have, i probably would have broken it. It hurt SO bad at first! And then continued hurting all night till i went to sleep. Then when i first woke up this morning, it didnt hurt. And then the pain started coming back, ouch. And it's hurt since then. It's kinda throbbing right now :/ and then when i was running to go get the ball today while playing volleyball, it hurt like crud cause stupid running! >.< dont know What i did to it, but apparently something! Yeah, VERY accident prone.

Volleyball was pretty fun.. had a few difficulties i guess you could say, but still fun. And i hit it, Em, arent you proud?! :)
I hit it over several times cause they put me up on the net! Yay.

Anywho, tomorrow night is church :). Oh yeah!! I'm helping back in gleaners! I JUST remembered that!! Ha! Yay. I LOVE helping in the back! So much fun! :) lol. I Love taking care of kids like.. 7 and under! Just thought i'd throw that in :) But yeah, thats all i have planned for tomorrow i think.
Oh, the Fox's are coming back tomorrow night, so please pray for there safe travel. :) Thanks.

My dad is gone to his sisters house tonight.. she lives like 2 hours away.. So my mom will be by herself :( but i think Ginger (my dog for those of you who might not know) might sleep with me tonight! Yay! She's actually sleeping on my bed right now :P

Umm.. Thursday dont really have anything planned i dont guess, hopefully hang out with Morgan! Because i miss her Sooooo much!!!

Friday, CAMPING TRIP! Thats one of the biggest things happening for me, I'm going on the Youth Camping Trip Friday-Tuesday!! It's gonna be SO MUCH FUN! I'm in Crystals tent! I'm SOOO EXCITED!!

Well.. thats about it i suppose, all i can think of.

Please pray for me, I'm going through a rough time right now with something, and i'm REALLY not having a good night.

Love ya'll!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Meg wanted me to post more, and i dont have time to actually post.. and i had these already, so here are these.

Love your big sister and let her know, because she might not be right by your side forever.

Jesus is MY bff! Is He yours? He's always there for you no matter what.

Always believe in God.

Always love your mom and tell her you love her, because she might not always be there.

Make it known that Jesus Has Your Heart, and it's never going to change.

Let your friends know you love them.

Don't blend in with the crowd, stand out by showing the love of Jesus.

Love you big sis, I'll try to post words tomorrow or something.


Monday, June 9, 2008


So.. i know i haven't posted in a while, so i thought i should probably post. I've done a few more things than usual this past week..

Thursday, my dad and I left about 1:30p.m. to go to a gas station in Harding Place to meet up with Mr. Chris and Libby, so i could spend the night with Libby:) We got there around 1:50 or so.. and we decided since they weren't there yet, that we would go inside and get some Cappuccino:) We got some, i spilled mine cause it got too full, and so it burned me really bad:( but i'm okay now:P. And then we saw Mr. Chris and Libby pull up, and then they started to walk in the gas station, but we met them outside.. so they didn't have to. Lol. (i'm very detailed, haha.)
We headed to their house, while on the way Libby and i talked and talked and talked some more. Whew! Lots of talking.. mostly done by me i think O:P.
We finally got to their house, and Libby and i headed into her room, which btw i am IN LOVE with! Jonas Brothers posters EVERYWHERE!!!! Yay. So we stared at the posters and talked for a while:P and we walked around her house a bit..
and went outside and got in her pool:) yay. Tons of fun. Stayed in there for a While! With Mrs. Wanda in there with us.
Then once we got out, we were Freezing! So Mrs. Wanda was nice and stayed outside so Libby and I could take showers to get warm. Then, I'm Sure we talked more about the Jonas Brothers, and got on the computer and such.. then finally decided to go to bed. We were dead tired! My problem was it's dark in her room 8 / and i usually go to sleep with the hallway light on and my t.v. on.. so it was kinda scary.. lol. But i got over it, and went to sleep. Although i woke up like pretty much every three hours. Don't know why.
We probably woke up around 7:45ish or so.. but stayed in bed till like 8:30ish.. and we ate breakfast when we got up, she cooked eggs on the stove, which she had never done before, and her mom wasn't home.. so i was a bit scared. Lol. But she did fine. And i was the easy one, I just ate poptarts so all i had to do was toast them :P. When we got our breakfast made and everything, we went in the living room and sat on the couch and watched a Jonas Brothers Music Video that she had recorded.. Over and Over and Over lol. :D.
And then we probably got on the computer, talked about Jonas Brothers, etc. Then we went swimming again! Boy was i dumb! I put SPF 30 on.. and didn't reapply it, and stayed out for like 4 or 5 hours!! Ugh. Sunburn. And then her Dad, Brother, and Brother's Girlfriend got home.. and we heard stories of her brother's time on the mission trip.. lol.. and we ate pizza and breadsticks, and then Libby and i rushed into the living room to watch Jonas Brothers- Living The Dream. Yay. Then my parents came and picked me up.. thats about all for Thursday/Friday. Lol.

Saturday, my mom and i went to Morgan's game at 12.. not knowing the other team didn't show up.. so it was parents/refs/friends against Morgan's team. I thought they played really good! While i was sitting out there in the sun.. i got sunburn on my toes!!! :(. Then probably 3 something i guess.. Morgan called me and asked if i wanted to go shopping with her and Crystal to find Crystal some soccer clothes.. so i asked my mom, and she was fine with it, and so i went. It was alot of fun. :) Thanks for Inviting me Crystal:). Then we (being, Me, Morgan, Crystal, Mrs. Tammy, and My Mommy) went to a play that night! You're A Good Man Charlie Brown. It was awesome. And sooooo cute! :). Thats all for Saturday..

Then Sunday (yesterday:P) Church was very good, went to play soccer with youth and some of our friends off the soccer team, and some of their friends that are going to come play with us on Sundays now! Yay. Soccer was fun, hot, but fun. Then church was good again, we did something different.. but don't know how to explain it, and rightly don't want to. Lol. Thats all for yesterday.

Today, i slept in till a little after 10, and that's about all.

I proved i can post long, huh;) this should cover a while before i need to post again ;P considering no ones gonna want to read this anyways! Lol.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Hey Mrs. Tammy and Mr. Steve, I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary! I love you guys so much! You mean the world to me! You're like my second parents! You've done so much for me, and thank you for that. I hope you have a GREAT anniversary!

Much love,

Your second daughter/Katie