Monday, December 29, 2008


yep, that's what I am, a slacker when it comes to posting.. I've been quite lazy lately and not been in the mood to post.

Christmas was AMAZING! I am very thankful :)

I'm having headaches still.. and they've been worse the past few days.. I'm going to the neurologist tomorrow.. joy... :/
Please pray.


last night.. err.. this morning I suppose.. at about 12 or 12:30.. I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep and I couldn't for ANYTHING and I just got really discouraged about stuff for some reason.. I texted a couple people for prayer, but still didn't feel better.. It was like I needed to talk to someone right then but didn't know who I should call.. thinking back I know who I should have called.. I texted them.. But I needed to hear their voice, but didn't want to wake them :/ Hopefully tonight will be better.

I woke up with a HORRIBLE headache and decided to try to go back to sleep.. it didn't really work. It took me FOREVER to get back to sleep, and when I did I only slept for a little bit and my mom woke me up at 12.. yes 12. O:) but my headache STILL wasn't better! Grr! I took some meds and such so it got a little better but right now it's hurting pretty bad..

umm backing it up a tad bit..

this.. afternoon/evening/night? We [my mom, Mrs. Tammy, Andrea, Morgan, and I] had our annual "baking day".. we do this every year and get together and bake goodies and such. We usually do it before Christmas, but this year there was just not time! So we only baked a few things today.. then we ate and popped in a movie. It was a really good movie! "Bella" was the name of it. I loved it. :)
All in all, it was a pretty good night :)

Now, I'm just sitting here listening to my music.. Thinking about going to bed a bit earlier than usual tonight..

Well, I hope this post has caught up enough.. I don't remember everything that has gone on.. Sorry. :/

I shall leave you with several pictures..


Mrs. Tammy being proud of her white chocolate covered peanut butter balls

Eating :) YUM!


Morgan dipping.. lol

Morgan wanted a picture of me since I was part of the "baking fun"... so she handed me a ketchup bottle that was on the table.. lol.

so, that's all. If you wanna see a few more pictures you're going to have to go to my facebook..

Love you all.


**If He brings you to it, He WILL bring you through it**

Friday, December 19, 2008

Staying up till 5 a.m. watching movies and hanging out? SURE!

Wednesday night I was suppose to spend the night with Lindsei so we could hang out before she left, but instead we went to Emily's and spent the night with her, Andrea, and Chelsei. It was fun. All of us, except for Andrea stayed up till about 5 a.m. We only got like.. 4 hours of sleep. And I didn't get enough sleep last night either.. so I'm still exhausted.

Ummm... yeah. Most/all of you have facebook.. so you pretty much know what's going on in my life I guess.

Just incase I don't get back on here.. MERRY CHRISTMAS!



I love this song.

Looking out from His throne, the Father of light and of men
Chose to make Himself known and show us the way back to Him
Speaking wisdom and truth into the hearts of peasants and kings
He began to unveil the Word that would change the course of all things

With eyes wide open, all would see

The Word is alive
And it cuts like a sword through the darkness
With a message of life to the hopeless and afraid
Breathing life into all who believe
The Word is alive
And the world and its glories will fade
But His truth, it will not pass away
It remains yesterday and forever the same
The Word is alive

Simple strokes on a page
Eternity's secrets revealed, carried on from age to age
It speaks Truth to us even still
And as the rain falls from Heaven, feeds the earth before it returns
Lord, let Your Word fall on us and bring forth the fruit You deserve

With eyes wide open, let us see

The Word is alive
His Word is alive

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I have an MRI on my head Monday morning. I'm scared to death.. And I don't want to go. But HOPEFULLY they'll figure out why I have these headaches!

The other day I didn't have a headache for like two hours. Maybe more! Woot! It was so great!

I wish I could express my feelings right now, but I cannot. Just.. pray for everything in my life. I don't handle situations well at all.

I don't really have anything else.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

He cares about the little things!

God is so great to me! I am oh so thankful to be a member of HIS Church!

Update on my headaches..

Went to the pediatrician Wednesday morning before spanish class, they didn't say too much.. But prescribed some medicine for me.

My headaches ARE getting better, thankfully. I do still have them a lot, but they haven't been as bad.

Now, back to my title..

Last night as I was about to go to bed, I could NOT find one of my stuffed animals that I sleep with every night. It's a dog and it's kind of small so it could easily be lost. I looked all over in the dark and could not find it. I finally started praying because I wanted to find it and I don't think I could have slept without it, my friend gave it to me after my grandfather passed away and it means a LOT to me. I was almost freaking out because I was torn up that I could NOT find it.

Right after I prayed, I pulled my covers over me, I FOUND THE STUFFED ANIMAL DOG! It had been in them. Thank the Lord! That is LITTLE BITTY compared to most things that I pray for, but it is still an answered prayer.

I might not have found that stuffed animal, and might not have slept at all if I wouldn't have prayed. I am thankful for this. It boosted my faith, big time. God knows when we need something, and He will give what we need to us.

Don't ever feel like "you are not important, or that you have this little thing that is troubling you but there are too many other big things to pray for and God doesn't care about your little trouble." That is NOT true in ANY way! He cares about everything! He cared about me finding my little stuffed animal, He will care for you with whatever it is :)

I haven't been blogging the past few days, I never felt like it. But I just wanted to give you updates and hopefully encourage you..

God Bless.


"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I don't like the eye doctor.

It's not my eyes that are causing my headaches! I have amazing vision! That's good.. But bad. I still don't know what the problem is!

I'm going to the regular doctor tomorrow morning and hopefully I find out what's wrong.

Be praying!



My bestbestbestbestbestbesttt friend in the whole world and IIIIIIIIIIIII !! :)


I'm going to the eye doctor today! I'm really hoping I just need glasses and these headaches will stop. I kind of want glasses because I enjoy them O:)


So. I'm not really in the posting mood right now..

I will hopefully post when I get back from the doctor this afternoon.

Pray that's all that's causing these headaches!




I will ALWAYS be Daddy's Little Girl :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Update on my headache..

Yes, I've still got one. I woke up this morning with a horrible one and it got worse while doing school this morning. I took an Advil around 10 probably and it has finally gotten better.. It's not gone.. But it's not killing me. THANK THE LORD!! I could have taken an Advil about an hour ago, but I don't like taking medicine when I know God can heal me.

Today was a very stressful day in school. I was off of school last week for Thanksgiving.. So I got SO frustrated and UGH!

Tomorrow is my daddy's birthday! I don't know exactly what we're doing.. Yet. Hmm.. I need to make him a card.......

Well, I need to go set the table before my mom gets upset at me...

Please continue praying for my headaches.



Shine your light..