Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yes, In fact I am still alive!

I know, I haven't really posted like at all lately. I've just not been in the blogging mood really. But I thought it'd be good to post a lil something.

Well I have been feeling amazing lately! :) God is so great! I have no reason to be depressed at all! Ever! I have SUCH a blessed life and I am VERY thankful for that, and I'm finally realizing it :) Thanks to my wonderful friends :)

One of my friends, who I have grown closer to since this past summer, has been a wonderful encouragement in my life. She has made me want to strive more and more towards getting to Heaven. Yes, of course before this friend; I WANTED to go to Heaven 'cause who doesn't?? But I didn't have as strong of a desire as I do now. Since I've already kept you waiting this long, I will go ahead and tell you that Chelsei Henderson is the friend to who I am referring. I have never been that close to Chelsei before, I don't know why.. I just haven't. But this past year, I have grown much much MUCH closer to her and I am so thankful for the relationship we share! She is always there for me when I need her. She is very straight up with me when I need it. She will tell me if I have not been acting right, and everyone needs a friend like that. Because until Chelsei confronted me in a LOVING, CARING, but still very blunt way, I never listened to my other friends about how I had been acting; When they would confront me about stuff, I would easily get upset with them. But then there was Chelsei :) and a very blunt message over facebook [sent by her].. But so, so true. If you don't know Chelsei personally, then you're missing out on blessing after blessing!
I hope she has even the slightest idea of how much she means to me. I don't know if you will read this Chels, but I love you, my wonderful little British friend. I cherish our friendship and NEVER want to take advantage of it.

In other news, the Youth at Antioch have been hanging out more and more and I LOVE it! If I EVER have a chance to hang with them, I do. We have SUCH a large Youth group at Antioch that a lot of our other churches do not have. I am very blessed, and very thankful.

Umm.. I can't think of much else.

I'm heading out of town either Monday or Tuesday of next week to go to Virginia and visit family.. I'll be missing 3 church services and I think I might die... :/

Anywho, I'm tired of typing things out..

So later!

Love all of y'all!



I MISS THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU MEGAN AND MICAH!!


AKCameraGuy said...

Miss you too!!!

Unknown said...

awww.. you got a comment out of micah. way!

love you

Netty said...

Yes, she is great, but so are you AND who gave you permission to leave?????