Sunday, December 7, 2008

He cares about the little things!

God is so great to me! I am oh so thankful to be a member of HIS Church!

Update on my headaches..

Went to the pediatrician Wednesday morning before spanish class, they didn't say too much.. But prescribed some medicine for me.

My headaches ARE getting better, thankfully. I do still have them a lot, but they haven't been as bad.

Now, back to my title..

Last night as I was about to go to bed, I could NOT find one of my stuffed animals that I sleep with every night. It's a dog and it's kind of small so it could easily be lost. I looked all over in the dark and could not find it. I finally started praying because I wanted to find it and I don't think I could have slept without it, my friend gave it to me after my grandfather passed away and it means a LOT to me. I was almost freaking out because I was torn up that I could NOT find it.

Right after I prayed, I pulled my covers over me, I FOUND THE STUFFED ANIMAL DOG! It had been in them. Thank the Lord! That is LITTLE BITTY compared to most things that I pray for, but it is still an answered prayer.

I might not have found that stuffed animal, and might not have slept at all if I wouldn't have prayed. I am thankful for this. It boosted my faith, big time. God knows when we need something, and He will give what we need to us.

Don't ever feel like "you are not important, or that you have this little thing that is troubling you but there are too many other big things to pray for and God doesn't care about your little trouble." That is NOT true in ANY way! He cares about everything! He cared about me finding my little stuffed animal, He will care for you with whatever it is :)

I haven't been blogging the past few days, I never felt like it. But I just wanted to give you updates and hopefully encourage you..

God Bless.


"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6