Thursday, January 8, 2009


Still don't know about these headaches. They gave me medicine to take.. And it was supposed to take the headaches away in a week.. and it didn't. So I'm taking the medicine for another week, plus two Aleve two times a day.. STILL having headaches. I don't know if these headaches are EVER going to go away. It's so discouraging. I do want to Praise the Lord that I woke up in the night last night, and had absolutely NO headache. That was I think the first time in a month that I've been WITHOUT a headache.

Of course, I woke up with a headache this morning. Earlier it didn't hurt that bad, but right now it's hurting REALLY bad.

Please say a prayer that these headaches STOP. I need relief.

I had a meeting for High School Musical [the play that my tutorial is putting on] today. It was pretty boring O:)

Tomorrow morning I have tutorial. BLEGH! I have to wake up early and it's just.. not fun.

Tomorrow night I have a Band Service at Sis. Amy's. I'm excited. I love getting together with my prayer band.

Also tomorrow, my grandmother is coming in. She's been in Mississippi since a week after Thanksgiving. She's just staying here till Sunday morning and then she's going home to Ohio. She might be sleeping in my room which means I'll have to sleep in my parent's floor :( Sad day.
Pray for the Lord to convict her soul. She's a smoker.. and an alcoholic I think and she needs Jesus. She has health problems and I want her to go to Heaven.. but that's not where she's headed right now.

Uh. The medicine I have to take makes me hungry all the time.. I've had FOUR meals today! And not little meals either! ICK! I'm a fatty! Urgh stupid medicine!

I don't really have a "New Year's Resolution".. I made a prayer list that I pray for usually every morning and night. But that wasn't a New Year's Resolution.. it was just something I decided to do. I really get into the Spirit of Praying and I love it. I believe that 2009 IS THE year of Miracles! I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store! I started a few months back, reading my Bible all the way through.. and reading a chapter or so a night. I'm still in Genesis :/ I was slacking a few months ago but I finally have a DESIRE to read my Bible and it's INTERESTING to me! I thank the Lord for this desire.

I am NOT trying to brag on myself with what I just said.. It's just something I'm VERY thankful for. Remember that song we used to sing back in Children's Church and Gleaners .....

"if you read your Bible and pray every day.. pray every day.. pray every day.. if you read your Bible and pray every day then you will grow, grow, grow...... if you don't read your Bible and pray every day.. pray every day.. pray every day.. if you don't read your Bible and pray every day then you will shrink, shrink, shrink..."
or something along the lines of that? Well.. that's the truth. I know it's just a silly action song for kids.. but it's the truth when you think about it. I was shrinking in the Lord because I wasn't being FAITHFUL to reading my Bible and praying every day.
So now I'm trying to be more faithful. All I want to do is praise the Lord and serve Him all the days of my life.

Have you been faithful in doing so?

Well. I've gotta go make cookies with my mom for my teacher I think.. Have a great night.

Love you all!
