Tuesday, January 27, 2009

God is great! :]

Soo.. I guess I should post..

We had a Revival at our church Thursday night through Sunday night, and it was amazing! I am SO thankful that I got to be there every service! I was blessed GREATLY! God did some amazing things. I don't remember everything that happened.. But I do know we had SEVERAL people get closer with the Lord :) Brother Hawkins preached some AWESOME messages!
Brother Sutton had asked Morgan and I to sing and sign on Saturday night... and I was freaking out. Morgan and I decided to do our new song, which I had just learned like three days before that... It was "Who Am I?" by Casting Crowns. I could really feel the anointing, although I forgot the words in the FIRST verse and stopped for a minute [yes, ON STAGE] and then just did a random sign. haha. Which, in fact, turned out to be the wrong one. :/ oops. But no one really noticed.. After it was over and I walked off stage I went to the bathroom and cried. Morgan followed after me and gave me a "pep talk".. what are best friends for? :) It did help, but I was still REALLY upset.

Umm.. oh. Going back to Friday night.. we [meaning like.. everyone from church] went out to eat at ihop after service was over. It was tons of fun. And then some of the girls.. Crystal, Emily, Chelsei, Morgan, Gracee, Brennan, and I [hopefully I didn't miss anyone.. :/.. ] went back to Crystal and Emily's apartment and had a 'girl's night'! It was SO MUCH FUN!

Going forward to Sunday.. Sunday school was VERY good! Emily's lesson was really good [like always]! We are memorizing scriptures so that if we get asked about something, we can quote a scripture to help someone.. I think it's a really good idea!

Ummm... Sunday morning service was REALLY good! I didn't sit through the whole thing because I was watching Sara Riddell and she kept getting fussy so I took her in the back and entertained her. She is the cutest thing EVER! I love her soooo much!

Sunday morning service was also very long. It lasted till like.. 3 p.m. I think. So when I came home I was STARVING and exhausted so I ate and took about an hour long nap and then headed back to our last revival service. It was also, very VERY good! The Lord moved!

All in all, the revival was AMAZING and I am VERY thankful for it!!

Um. So yesterday I was suppose to have a make-up spanish class, but my mom forgot about it, and then cancelled it to let me sleep. Yay. :) when I woke up I did school and everything.. and then I went and played soccer with some friends! (Yes in the freezing cold!) umm. I'm gonna try to remember the people that went. Crystal, Brandon, Tyler, Jordan, Chandler, Morgan, Matt Haynes, Bethany Haynes [two of our friends from soccer and tutorial], Josh, Justin, and me. [hope I'm not forgetting anyone..]

it was SO cold! but, SOOOO FUN! It got dark on us but we still played :) It's never too cold or dark for soccer :P haha.

After that, we went back to Crystal's and watched a movie. Vantage Point I THINK was the name of it. I REALLY like that movie! It was very entertaining.

Um, my headaches have been getting better and better and while I was praying some during the revival, my head stopped hurting COMPLETELY! THANK THE LORD!!! :)

Um. So I'm tired of posting.


Blessing-- My headaches getting better and better and better and better!! :)


Tam said...

very good post. And, I'm so glad your headaches are better. Thank the Lord!

AKCameraGuy said...

Hey, K-bug! just saying hi, how ya doing? ;P
Hope you having a great day!